What Does Large-Scale Art do for Your Space?

Ever walked into a room and thought, wow, this person is a great decorator?

Or, upon seeing someone’s space for the first time did you immediately feel like you knew more about their personality? Their interests? Their style?

That’s the power of large-scale art in a room.

Large-scale art in the home, office, studio, or wherever you find yourself is a great way to set the tone of the space.

And for those of us who love the America West, it’s a great way to take that love and hang it up and inspire onlookers to care for the land we love.

Below we’ll explore the power of large-scale art in decor and by the end you’ll be able to curate a statement piece of artwork for your space and style.

Beckie sits on the couch in her apartment. A large-scale painting of a rattlesnake hangs above her head. Photograph by Leah Beth.

Large-Scale Art Creates Instant Impact

Large-scale art makes an unforgettable first impression. The moment you step into a room, it draws you in, commanding your attention like a sprawling desert vista or a towering canyon wall.

It’s bold. It’s intentional.

To this day, I can recall details of large-scale pieces in homes, AirBnbs, galleries, restaurants—you name it—that I saw over a decade of traveling. Some of them I saw only once. That’s how impactful they were.

Large-Scale Art Tells Your Story

The art you choose reflects your values, your passions, and your connection to the world.

In my office I have a matted and framed poster that reads “Journalism is Alive.” I bought in 2023 in Marfa, Texas, to support the west Texas newspapers, Big Bend Sentinel & Presidio International. The frame is about 24”x36” which is large in my small office.

You can imagine what stories this print tells as they relate to me as a person and how I value print journalism.

Photo by Leah Beth.

Large-Scale Art Grounds Your Space

Large-scale art serves as the anchor of a room, giving everything else—your furniture, your decor, your color palette—a sense of purpose and connection.

In the image above, you can see how the 3’x4’ rattle snake painting on plywood is the center piece for my warm, ranch-life inspired living room.

Large-scale art grounds your space in the textures, tones, and energy of your world—whatever that world may be.

Large-Scale Art Sets the Tone for Your Space

Art is always here to inspire, motivate, convict, soothe, offer an escape, push you to the edge of your comfort zone. Whatever you need, art can provide.

When selecting large-scale art for your space, consider your needs when you’re using that space. For instance, my office is a place where I need motivation, so on one wall I have three 17”x22” photographs from a big adventure I took to New Mexico in 2021.

Side note: Two of my favorite images from that trip is for sale here and here. If you love New Mexico, these are for you!

My living room, on the other hand, is a place where I like to be creative and drop into the present moment after a day at the office. So, you’ll find a lot more spunkier and bold art in the living room—like a giant wooden star that I wrapped in orange yarn.

Large-Scale Art Brings Your Favorite Place Into Your Home

Finally, and my personal favorite, large-scale art bring your favorite place into your home.

I was so happy when I finally invested in a 3’x4’ print of my favorite place in New Mexico. It’s a way for me to feel connected to that place everyday.

Ready to invest in a piece of large-scale art?

If your walls are calling out for something meaningful, my western-inspired fine art prints are here to help.

Check out my Spineless Prickly Pear Cactus print for calming green hues or the Saguaro Salute to send a clear message that you don’t take life too seriously.

Regardless of whether or not you buy my art, I hope this helps you create a space that is unapologetically YOU.


Common Mistakes When Buying Art for Your Home (And How to Avoid Them!)